Website Content Writing Tips for Jewellers & Retailers

Website Content Writing Tips for Jewellers & Retailers


Most on-line retailers and service providers realise the importance of supplementary content for an e-commerce website. Your on-line shop will only sell your products if visitors find it. Finding it will be dependent upon how you rank with search engines. Information pages and blogging both support the addition of content and regular site engagement, which in turn help with Search Engine indexing and ranking. Our last blog article provided High Traffic Blog ideas for your Jewellery Website. Now we offer some tips for writing the actual content.

Make your content Relevant

Most importantly your web page or blog content must be relevant to your business and website rather than an unrelated subject which could attract web traffic. Search engines assess content relevance and take account of it in both article and website ranking. 

Your audience is looking for relevant information to support a jewellery selection and retailer choice. Your content should answer their questions, provide product and service education, or inspire their shopping. A consumer may start their buying journey looking for information rather than a product. Finding answers within your website content may be a prospective client's first interaction with your business. If it makes the right impression they will explore your credentials, website and offerings further. This, in turn, improves your website 'bounce rate', another success factor used by search engines to influence ranking. The objective is to improve your sales too. Let's take sustainability as an example - it's a quality many consumers look for throughout their lives and jewellery is no exception. When it is a key consideration for a visitor it is important you highlight your credentials and make you a more likely jeweller of choice. Tiffany & Co Sustainability content is a great example of exploring a subject that buyers may specifically be looking for.

Make your content Searchable

Getting your content found is dependent upon the use of 'keywords' in your pages, blog articles, page/blog titles and meta descriptions. To keep it simple, keywords need to be a term your target audience are searching for. They should be selected carefully to be unique within your own site and make them as specific to your business as possible. Keywords are the most important factor in search engines highlighting your content in response to web searches.

To consistently rank highly with content, a more sophisticated keyword strategy is needed. From research to implementation, the right keyword selection is vital for success. This article by Moz 'What are Keywords'? provides a great starting point for your keyword learning.

Make your content Readable

Your website visitors and search engines alike look for clear and engaging content. Make it easy to read using a few simple guidelines:

  • Keep your sentences short and sweet
  • Don't over-use 'keywords'. Readers are easily put off by the same messages being repeated for the sake of keyword use.
  • Maintain an active versus passive voice. What does that mean? This feature by Grammarly helps de-mystify this important technique.
  • Use paragraphs and headings to organise your message. This makes it easy for visitors to scan your article for any specific content of interest. It helps search engines interpret and index your content too. Think of it like store aisle signage or book chapters.
  • Break up text with images or graphics to make your content visually appealing and support your messages. Charts and visuals are particularly useful for educational features. Ensure your images are sized display well and not slow your site response time. Apps such as Canva and Resize Image provide a quick and simple solution to image sizing for both web and social media.

Make your content Accessible

Your blog content will be available through your News/Blog/Journal Page but that does not necessarily make it immediately discoverable if a visitor has reached your website via another 'landing page. Navigation to your blog content should be included in the main site pages with the use of links. These links also help validate the content relevance for search engines.

Having a visual link to your blog/journal from your home page is another good practice. Featuring latest or popular blog subjects will attract more 'clicks'.

Make your content Personable

Your 'About' page should give your visitors a good impression on both a professional and personal level. Your blog content is another perfect opportunity to inject some personality into your website. This works well for the content which aims to inspire product choice. Talking naturally and openly can create an affinity with a client and lead them to purchase with you rather than a competitor. Use this style when you are aiming for emotional impact.

There are no doubt times when you also need to be strictly factual, for example with educational articles such as this Diamond Weight Guide by Veritas Diamonds. This content type shows your subject authority but you can still add a personal touch, for example by introducing the name, background and qualifications of your own in-house expert. You can enhance this also by building trust and confidence in your brand as outlined by Lionsorbet, by associating with trade organisations such as GIA or the NAJ for instance as 

Make your content Purposeful

Creating the right content will naturally work for you by making your website visible in searches for the content topic. Great, but let's also remember that the primary purpose of your website is to sell your products. We always advise never 'over-sell' within your page or blog content but don't lose an opportunity either! 'Calls to Action' in the form of buttons and graphics, are an effective way to lead your customers to further action whether exploring your products or for example, committing to your mailing list. Think about the steps you would like your visitor to take and take them on that journey.

Are you still struggling to find the right words? Get in touch - we are considering the introduction of a content delivery service for jewellers and would love to hear if you think it may help you.  

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