Frequently asked Questions

Hi Welcome to our FAQ page. You should be able to find the answer to most questions here but if you are still having problems you can either email us directly using the form below or you can contact us directly by telephone on 01604 779030. We are open 9am to 5pm GMT Mondays to Fridays.
About our Website
1: Why do the preview images have funny marks over them? Will my images have them?
Don't worry. These patterns are called watermarks and are put in place to prevent people downloading and using our images without paying for them . All images displayed on the the site are low quality samples. Purchased images are high quality, unbranded, images with no watermarks.
About your order
1: When will I get my purchased images
Once payment has been processed and approved you will receive a link sent to the email address you provide. This is generally instant but please wait a few hours before contacting us with any issues as sometimes there can be a delay in processing payments.
2: If I order at night or during the weekend will I still receive my order?
Yes! Orders can be processed and delivered any time of the day or night. So you don't have to wait until we are available to make an order. This is perfect if you are working out of hours and need to access some diamond and Jewellery Photographs quickly for your work.
3: How do I use my discount code?
Once you have gone through checkout and added your payment details to Paypal, you will be presented with an order confirmation screen. There is a box on this last page that allows you to enter your discount code prior to final payment.
Have a question?
I you have any further questions or issues please email us directly at