A major limitation of buying diamond or gemstone rings online is the inability to compare the size or shape of a diamond against each other. A 1ct princess cut is quite different to 1ct round for instance and what the size of stone may look like on their type of hand. Our APP can help the buying process by allowing customers to compare the size differences against the price.

Our web application will fit right into any page on your website. It is fully responsive and works across all desktop and mobile platforms. It displays a range of diamond shapes, their available carat sizes and variations in hand colour. It features carat and comparable mm size too. It is served via a java applet (like google maps) from our super-fast cloud-based server to cut traffic costs to you and makes it easy to be updated and added to in the future should we wish to add stone shapes, and or new data.
The Application uses Sophisticated 3D rendering and Illustration to provide accurate visual information and data to your customers. Our admin panel will allow you to upload your own logo, Change the Diamond Colours, Change the application size and work as an educational tool for your staff and customers alike.

Our app offers the ability to customise your logo and colours to suit your website. Add to your website and provide an engaging educational tool for your customers to use when comparing diamond sizes.
Embed on any Page
Fully Responsive
BUILT FOR DESKTOP & MOBILEDiamond Showcase app FAQ's
At present the carat size is fixed. We may plan to update this in the future but there isn't an easy option to do this.
Each app purchase is locked to a single domain. The monthly charge covers the hosting and server support required to keep it active and online. If you require it to be installed on multiple domains, additional licences will need to be purchased. We are working on a new version that will enable multi domain support for a test domain and a live website.
None of the text is editable at present and is fixed for each stone type. We are working on a new version that may feature editable text.
To reset your password you you need to log out of the app at apps.lionsorbet.com by clicking the link at the top right, then click the 'forgot' link in the login form and follow the instructions.
This is the line of code you put on your site to embed the showcase (see instructions)...
<div showcase id="diamond-showcase" style="width:100%; height:550px;"></div>
You can change the size of the showcase by adjusting the width and height in the above line of code, percentage and pixel values can be entered for the width and height.
The link to the app helps subsidise the cost. If wish to have it removed please get in contact with us and we'll let you know your options.
It probably means you are already loading jQuery, remove
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>from the head tag
Yes!! we are currently planning a brand new version of the app which will be:
- Easier to install,
- More editable,
- Support multiple domains
- Support increased carat weights
- Support linking to products and collections
- and much more...
When? best we can estimate is 2024
Everyone on the monthly subscription will automatically get the new version.
Under the current monthly license, you cannot install the app on your own server.
If you wish run the app on your own server to allow your website to interact with the app, you can upgrade to our 'Enhanced License' at a cost of £2500 + vat
If you wish to access the APP's codebase and repositories to develop your own version and modify the app for you own company use you can upgrade to our 'Developer License' at a cost of £10.000 + vat